What is nashvilleRAs?
Nashville Baptist Association
Royal Ambassador Leadership Team
420 Main Street
Nashville, TN  37206

Nashville RA Leadership                                                    

Brian Holt, Director - brian@nashvilleras.com
Brian has been involved in RAs most of his life. He asked the Lord into   his heart while attending RA Camp. RAs was one of the main reasons he   wanted to attend church as a child. In college he found his way back   into RAs in 1991 as a member of the Tennessee RA Camp Staff where he   remained involved until it shut down in 2003. He has 16 years experience  as a local RA Director, over 14 years in Associational leadership and  is a Nationally Certified RA Trainer. Brian is also a member of the TN  RA Leadership Team.  Brian and his wife Jennifer are both writers for Lad and  Crusader   Magazines. They have a future RA named Sam that was born in March 2006.

Aubry Jones, Assoc. Director - aubry@nashvilleras.com
Bio Coming Soon

Stanley England, Committee Member - stanley@nashvilleras.com
Bio Coming Soon

If you are a member of a Nashville Baptist Association church and interested in joining the RA Leadership Team e-mail brian@nashvilleras.com