Worship—WC offers 3 worship services. Friday night is Fun & Evangelical while Saturday night and Sunday morning worship are mission- focused. All worship services are geared specifically for boys while meaningful for all!
Wilderness Skills School—The Skills School is held as an optional event which gives every boy the opportunity to learn the skills needed to participate in the campcraft rodeo.
Campcraft Rodeo—RAs participate in Knot Tying, Compass Course, Tent Pitching & Fire Building according to their RA Division (Lad & Crusader).
X-Treme Team Run—The X-treme Team Run takes the skills needed for X-Treme Team Missionaries to survive and puts them into a fun event for the RAs. RA Teams will race to 3 stations and have to demonstrate a skill at each location (Knot, Compass & Search). The fastest team to reach the finish line wins.
Royal Racers—No RA Event would be right without Royal Racers. RAs compete by division (Lad, Crusader, Challenge/Adult) in a double elimination contest.
Top Chef—Who is the best chef in Camp? This event for leaders will establish just that. Prepare a meal on Saturday Night to be judged based on taste, appearance & presentation! Don’t forget the dessert!
Projects and Campsite Competition - Bring individual and chapter projects for display and contests for best campsite and church theme.
Honor Chapter - Each year the church with the highest percentatge of participation will be awarded Honor Chapter and be listed on the New Wilderness Challenge Totem Pole.
Mission Hike!
This year Wilderness Challenge is introducing a Mission Hike to benefit Appalachian Trail Ministries. This ministry uses the skills RAs are taught every day as they work to share the love of Christ with Hikers on Appalachian Trail. RAs will collect sponsors for their hike in advance and we will hike through Boxwell Reservation. At rest stops, the boys and leaders will get water and learn AT mission facts.