Spiritual Development
Learn why RAs in important and how you play a role in developing the next generation of church leaders and missionaries.
RA Training
Learn about RAs and how to lead a great chapter meeting. Also learn how to plan, promote and host RA events.
Campcraft Training
Campcraft is an important part of the RA experience. Learn easy techniques to teach camping skills to your RAs.
Get to know other RA leaders and learn from their experiences and have friends to contact when you need help , ideas, or prayer!
Registration Opens—6:30pm
Welcome and Opening Devotional—7:00pm
Why we are Here—7:30pm
RA Basics—8:00pm
Opening Devotional—9:00am
Making Chapter Meetings Pop—9:30am
Managing the Classroom—11:00am
Teaching Camcraft to Boys—12:30pm
Challenge to be the Difference—1:30pm
All classes led by State RA Trainers and Educators
royal ambassadors THE DIFFERENCE
August 2-3, 2013
Forest Hills Baptist Church
2101 Old Hickory Blvd. Nashville, TN 37215
The Difference
RA Leadership Conference
Royal Ambassadors can make a DIFFERENCE in the lives or young boys that will last for a lifetime. As an RA Leader you can be the DIFFERENCE by learning the best techniques for teaching RAs and being a Christ-like mentor to boys.
The DIFFERENCE is a Friday night throught Saturday Leadership conference for RA Leaders that will focus on the spiritual importance of RAs in your church and will equip leaders to be the best RA Leader possible. Leaders will learn why their role is important and why they can be the DIFFERENCE in a boy’s life.
Join us this fall and make a DIFFERENCE in your RA chapter this year!
Cost: $25 per person
This includes conference materials (study guide & DVD), Saturday Lunch and snacks for the conference.
Complete the form below or call 615-259-3034 to register!
Sponsored by:
The Nashville Baptist Association
RA Leadership Team
Please complete each field below and hit submit to register.
Checks should be made out to Nashville Baptist Association and can be paid at the event or mailed prior to the event to:
Nashville Baptist Association
420 Main Street
Nashville, TN 37206